“Not for Self, but for All"
RECOGNIZING the commercial basis of modern business relations between its members, The National Hay Association shall strive to elevate in every position in business life, recommend fair dealings, honest methods, and high ideals. Membership in The National Hay Association is a privilege, and an opportunity to assist in raising the standards of the Hay Industry.
In view of this your committee holds that in a Code of Trade Ethics for The National Hay Association are the following principles:
- To consider my Membership worthy, and as affording me a distinct opportunity to improve my acquaintance and enlarge my faith in the fundamental principle of the Association, “Not for Self, but for All."
- To realize that I am a business man and ambitious to succeed; but that I am first an ethical man and wish no success that is not founded on the highest justice and morality. To hold that the exchange of my goods, my services, and my ideas for profit are legitimate and providing all parties in the exchange are benefited thereby.
- To use my best endeavors to elevate the standard of the Hay trade by conducting my affairs in such a manner that I may give a perfect service equal to or better than my competitor, and when in doubt to give added service beyond the strict measure of debt and obligation.
- To understand that one of the greatest assets of a business man is his friends and that any advantage gained by reason of friendship is eminently ethical and proper.
- To strive to increase the efficiency of the craft by the exchange of my ideas and business methods. As members of this Association we will not make false or disparaging statements either written or oral, or circulate harmful rumors regarding a competitor’s financial or personal standing.
- The ultimate object of this code is to standardize conduct so that we can compete with one another on an equality of opportunity, and until men meet on the common ground of correct business methods there is no fellowship of business men, but with correct business methods made nation-wide, the business man will establish great friendship and good will.
- Finally, believing in the Golden Rule ‘All things whatsoever ye would that men
should do unto you, do ye even so unto them.’